Clearbooks invoice entry

The Ins and Outs of ClearBooks Invoice Entry: What You Need to Know

This guide provides an overview of the various features and options of ClearBooks Invoice Entry, helping users to better understand the powerful tool and master creating invoices. Learn how to code line items, set payment terms and conditions, and more.
Matthew Hutchings
January 22, 2023

The Ins and Outs of ClearBooks Invoice Entry: What You Need to Know

ClearBooks is an accounting software designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their finances effortlessly. It's simple to use, offers a variety of features including automated invoice entry, and works seamlessly with other applications like ProcureHQ to streamline the accounting process.

When entering invoices into ClearBooks, there are several things to consider such as matching items and services to the vendor, calculating taxes, and making sure the amounts are correct.

Understanding how to properly enter these invoices will ensure that your accounts are accurate and up-to-date.When entering an invoice into ClearBooks, the first step is to match the items and services purchased to the vendor.

This can be done by either entering the items and services manually or by uploading them from an existing file.

Once you have the vendor and items associated with the invoice, you can begin to populate the details.After entering the items and services, you'll need to calculate any taxes that may apply and make sure the amounts are accurate. Once everything is in place, you can then enter the invoice into ClearBooks.

The system will take care of the rest for you, generating an invoice for the vendor and a reminder for payment if desired.Utilizing the power of ClearBooks and integrating it with ProcureHQ can help automate the entire invoice entry process.

ProcureHQ is an integration platform that helps small businesses manage their financial processes. With features like automated invoice entry, expense tracking, and financial reporting, it's a great way to make sure your books are always accurate.If you're ready to take control of your accounting process and make it easier to manage, check out ProcureHQ today.

With its integration with ClearBooks, you can streamline the entire invoice entry process and ensure your books remain accurate. Plus, sign up with this link and start managing your finances more effectively.

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